Thursday, September 21, 2006


"Where the hell are you?" seems to be the question of the moment, and Viva apologizes for her latest disappearing act. I am where I usually am when you don't see new posts. Back to my desk where the "real work" looms large, and bites me in my ass on a daily basis. Honestly, I wish I could bitch all day about celebrities or even my life in general and have someone pay me handsomely for it, or even not so handsomely, but (as of yet) that ship has not come in. One day, come hell or Hepatitis C, I will get paid for this shit. And the world will rejoice in song!!!!

Until then, I might be elusive, like the Jaguar Shark hunted by Steve Zizzou in The Life Aquatic. Isn't that movie awesome? I love Bill Murray. One day, I will have to post about how my fateful meeting with Bill Murray: I was 10, had huge bangs, and was making brownies while staying in Dan Ackroyd's house for the weekend with my crazy brother and his then-wife. Bill was younger, still pretty bald, cranky as ever, and walking down the street with a large group of people I assumed to be his family. It was pretty funny. Oh I am full of stories like this, but have no flipping time to tell them!!!! Life is a cruel beast, ain't she?

I've got some hanking deadlines looming, but will try to post whenever possible. Or when something fabulous happens.