Friday, January 05, 2007


Sometime, in every woman's life, there comes a period wherein life is so spectacularly unfunny that it is hard to blog about celebrity crotches, beloved vibrators, and thigh-high boots. For me, that time has come--in spades.

Your pal Viva is having a rough time of it, and churning out the sarcasm isn't as easy as it used to be. In short, I need a break. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but my own narcissistic penchant for attention shouldn't keep me away too long.

In the meantime, be good to yourselves.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Viva has returned from her holiday sojourn in Rochester, and is quite honestly, tired as all hell, as is her trusty companion Cooper, who is still bleary-eyed from his doggie-downer pills and contentedly lapping at a new meaty bone I finally got around to giving him. Considering the angst that is my life, I decided I owed myself a little bleary time too, and what better avenue to Blearyville than wine and Xanax? Admit it, people you're jealous! I've never been one for the psychotropics, but if you're having a true Calgon moment, and don't have the Calgon, Xanax is a pretty nice alternative (I swiped mine from a dear friend with a stash--shhh!)--except for the bumping into walls and all. I feel so "Desperate Housewives!" But I digress....

To all the people who missed me and bitched about the lack of posts, thanks for the pestering e-mails. I live for love, ya know? I'm actually still swamped with work, thank God, but will try to throw up a few posts imminently for your amusement. Expect an update on the Holiday Extravaganza, including "Viva Gets a Bikini Wax From a Pre-Teen With Poor Eyesight and Other Tales of Vaginal Angst," "Everything I Need to Know About Dating, I Learned From My Dog (Or Why I Would Make a Crappy Slutty Person)," "If You Fill Them, They Will Come (The Damsel In Distress Story)," "The Best New Appetizer Ever (well, two of them, and you get both recipes, so be excited)," and "How A Pair of Black Thigh-High Boots Saved Christmas (well, actually, New Years, but Christmas sounded better). And there'll be some celebrity posting too--what did I miss? Britney Spears passing out at a New Year's Party? Shocking! Yawn. Next!

Once I stop seeing double and obsessing over crap I have no business obsessing over, I'll get back to business as usual. In the meantime, the dog and I are going to stagger up to bed and try to find a rerun of the Golden Girls..... I need a little wisdom from Dorothy Spornak, God love her....