Sometimes in life, the things you love to do, are the things that pay the least. Which is why you don't see old Viva calling herself an actress. Do I stil act? Sure? Do I ever get paid for it? Fuck, no. Bastards.
However, I do get paid for being an editor, so that IS what I call myself and frankly folks, I am swamped up the ass right now with work. This is a good thing when you are a freelancer, but a bad thing when you are trying to blog and write a book on the side. So something's gotta give.
I am leaving admist a celebrity hodgpodge of scandal, between Christie, Peter, and the 19-year-old Southampton Lolita, Dave, Carmen, and his eyeliner, Britney's latest letter of "I Love Tigers" truth, Pam and Kid Rock getting married. It's a cornucopia of gossip goodness! More bastards.
Anyhow, I appreciate all of you fine folks coming by every day (even though none of you fuckers ever leave comments), and I hate to take a break when I am building some momentum, but I have to pay the bills too.
I should dig myself out from under this hole by early August. Until then, stay sexy.