Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Sometimes in life, the things you love to do, are the things that pay the least. Which is why you don't see old Viva calling herself an actress. Do I stil act? Sure? Do I ever get paid for it? Fuck, no. Bastards.

However, I do get paid for being an editor, so that IS what I call myself and frankly folks, I am swamped up the ass right now with work. This is a good thing when you are a freelancer, but a bad thing when you are trying to blog and write a book on the side. So something's gotta give.

I am leaving admist a celebrity hodgpodge of scandal, between Christie, Peter, and the 19-year-old Southampton Lolita, Dave, Carmen, and his eyeliner, Britney's latest letter of "I Love Tigers" truth, Pam and Kid Rock getting married. It's a cornucopia of gossip goodness! More bastards.

Anyhow, I appreciate all of you fine folks coming by every day (even though none of you fuckers ever leave comments), and I hate to take a break when I am building some momentum, but I have to pay the bills too.

I should dig myself out from under this hole by early August. Until then, stay sexy.



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