Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Let's see. the husband is still plowing around Shreveport, Louisiana and the surrounding environs for work. Today, he is up near Arkansas. Yippee Kay Yay! Observations thus far, from the front lines:

Lousiana is very, very, very hot, or "fucking hot," if you will.

The casinos in Shreveport are dead--empty and filled with seniors about one heart attack away from the Great Beyond.

The bugs are bigger. Much bigger.

Did I mention the heat?

The most populated place in Shreveport appears to be the local Wendy's Restaurant.

Everything is spicy.

Spicy foods are not kind to one's gastrointestinal tract.

This only reinforces my desire to keep my fat ass planted firmly in New York State, with its cranky people, nasty winters, and high taxes.

Anyhow, whilst the husband is making friends with Bobby Bouchet and his pet mule, I am here living like a bachelor woman. I can do whatever I want. WHOO HOO!!!! FREEDOM. The dog and I are besides ourselves.

Here has been my crazy-ass week thus far:

Sunday: Power-cleaned the house. I vacuumed, I mopped, I dusted, I scrubbed. A bachelor girl needs a spotless house for all the parties she is going to have, right? Chinese for dinner. Bed.

Monday: To shower or not to shower? Screw shower. I plant myself in my office in my pjs for 9 hours and don't move. Leftover Chinese food for dinner. Bed.

Tuesday: Okay, I really need a shower now. Shower and change out of pjs into slightly nicer happy pants. Look at work to do, and clean house again. Dog looks sullen. Baked Lays for dinner, bed.

Wednesday: Still in jammies, doritoes for breakfast and lunch, hiding in office, with dog underfoot looking for dorito crumbs. Vowing to shower before 3.

This is my hot week alone. Fortunately, I have a real dinner coming tonight. If I look at another chip, my stomach may team up with Pete Doherty's liver and evacuate.

I'll keep you all posted on the madness as it happens. Don't all be too jealous now. Par-tee.

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