Monday, June 12, 2006

Britney Spears - The Reason for Nasty Celebrity Haiku

Celebrity Haiku--Britney Spears

(Audio-blog to come in a bit--the husband is home and will think I'm out of my nut if I record this in front of him--bear with me, people!)

UPDATE: (here it is!):
this is an audio post - click to play

Britney, where did your
chin go? Pregnancy is hard.
But you look like shit.

Yes, you are people.
People who should know better,
than to leave the house.

Hair extensions, why?
If you have them, keep them clean.
Or birds will build nests.

Dump Federline now!
Your divorce denials are
Sounding pretty weak.

Go, save Sean Preston
From lap-driving and head trauma.
Britney pouts and shrugs.

Mommy 101
Car seats keep baby’s brain from
Going splat and squish

Somewhere in L.A.
Timberlake sighs with relief
Thrilled he got away….

White Trash should not breed
Tater Tot and Hash Brown Spears
Ore-Ida is shamed.

Y’all leave me alone!
My career is a bust so
Let me eat in peace

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