Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I do. I think her kids have craploads in common with Cristopher Crawford, who spent the better part of his childhood strapped to a bed, while poor Tina got the shit beat out of her. God, I love Joanie! Fabulous!

I think Sharon adopts all these poor little boys, gives them charming Middle Earth names like Roan and Laird and ties them to their beds at night and makes them watch her horrible movies, like "Basic Instinct 2: See Mommy's Cooch Again." That, my friends, is child abuse.

In any event, since her own fallopian tubes had withered into sawdust long ago, she has gone and adopted another boy (what does she have against baby girls? Unless she is trying to GROW HER NEXT HUSBAND FROM SCRATCH). This one's name is "Quinn." Charming.

From The Hollywood News

It is alleged that 'Basic Instinct' star Sharon Stone has adopted a third child.
Stone, who already has two adopted sons, 6-year-old Roan and 13-month-old Laird has reportedly adopted a newborn boy named Quinn Stone earlier this month.
A friend of the star told America's New York Post newspaper, "He's absolutely adorable and the apple of Sharon's eyes. She is tickled blue."
However, Stone's publicist, Cindi Berger, has so far refused to confirm or deny the adoption.
Earlier this year, the 47-year-old actress admitted that despite being single, she has given up on dating after her last few relationships have ended when the men discover she is just a normal person underneath her glamourous facade."I stopped dating about a year ago, and decided to take some time to heal myself from a variety of traumas," she admitted.

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