Friday, July 14, 2006


She's another person I totally love. She's batshit crazy, totally damaged, perpetually drug and alcohol-addled, yo-yoing in weight, has hips of steel (and titanium), and has a penchant for marrying gay men. In short, she's a woman I want to cook a brisket with.

I love that, no matter how fat, or smacked-up she is on drugs, or how many lawsuits are pending against her by her crazy ex-husbands (Gest, I am talking about you--asshole), the woman ALWAYS COMES BACK. Forget Cher surviving a nuclear bomb with cockroaches, LIZA would not only survive a nuclear holocaust, the bitch probably wouldn't even realize one had happened in the first place. She'd be too busy looking for that bottle of vodka she hid in the closet.

This is a video of her performing with Queen. I love it. Every queen's idol performing with Queen.

Say what you want about her, but the lady can sing.

Long Live LIZA!

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